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How To Choose a New Steam Group Owner

Swapping the owner of a Steam group isn’t built into the system, but there’s a simple work around for us.

Video Guide

A short warning

The user whom you want to transfer ownership needs to be a premium (paid) Steam user so that they can own the group, otherwise this method will not work. If the person can add you, then they’re premium.

Swapping the ownership

  1. First, hit ‘Manage group members’ under ‘admin tools’ in the group.Press the manage group members button on the sidebar
  2. Demote everyone but the recipient of the group to a member by clicking on the star icon until they are all black.a demoted steam member
  3. Your group member section should now appear like this, with the only other administrator being the intended new owner:Everyone has been demoted but the new owner4. Press the ‘Leave group’ button the right sidebar’.

The leave group button on the side of the Steam group's page

And you’re done! You can now join back and there should be a new group owner.